Scholarly Contributions
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Siegel-Ramsay, J. E., Sharp, S. J., Ulack, C. J., Chiang, K. S., Lanza di Scalea, T., O’Hara, S., Carberry, K., Strakowski, S. M., Suarez, J., Teisberg, E., Wallace, S., & Almeida, J. R. C. (2023). Experiences that matter in bipolar disorder: A qualitative study using the capability, comfort and calm framework. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 11(1), 13.
- Siegel-Ramsay JE, Wu B, Kapczinski F, Lanza di Scalea T, David S, Frey BN, Strakowski SM, Almeida JRC. Functional assessment short test (FAST): Self-administration in outpatient mental health settings. J Psychiatr Res. 2023 Apr;160:258-262.
- Carlini SV, Lanza di Scalea T, McNally ST, Lester J, Deligiannidis KM. Management of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: A Scoping Review. Int J Womens Health. 2022 Dec 21;14:1783-1801
- Siegel-Ramsay, JE; Wu, B; Bond, M; Spelber, D; Chiang, KS; Lanza di Scalea, T; Collier, S; Smith, T; Nunez; L; fuller, E; Strakowski, SM; Lippard, E; Almeida, JRC. Subjective cognitive impairment and its relationship to sleep impairment, anxiety severity, and depressive symptoms in individuals with bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports. 2022. Volume 10 pg: 100442.
- Weiss SJ, Flynn H., Christian L., Hantsoo L., Lanza di Scalea T., Kornfield SL., Muzik M., Simeonova DI., Cooper BA., Strahm A., Deligiannidis KM., Distinguishing Characteristics of Symptom Profiles identified with Latent Class Analysis in Women at Risk of Mood Disorders. J Affect Disord. 2021 Dec 1;295:139-147
- S J Sharp, M A Bond, K S Chiang, S J Collier, J Farrington, T Lanza di Scalea, C B Nemeroff, D J Newport, D A Spelber, S M Strakowski, Jrc Almeida. Validity and severity thresholds for the depression subscale of the affective self rating scale: An equipercentile equating study using classical test theory. J Affect Disord. 2022 Jan 1;296:541-548
- Lanza di Scalea, T. Pearlstein, T. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2017 Jun;40(2):201-216 (reprinted in: Med Clin North Am. 2019 Jul;103(4):613-628)
- Lanza di Scalea T, Matthews KA, Avis NE, Thurston RC, Brown C, Harlow S, Bromberger JT Role stress, role reward, and mental health in a multiethnic sample of midlife women: results from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN). J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2012 May;21(5):481-9
- Moses-Kolko, E; Price, J; Wisner, K; Hanusa, B; Meltzer, C; Berga, S; Grace, A; Lanza di Scalea, T; Kaye, W; Becker, C; Drevets, W. Postpartum and Depression Status are Associated With Lower [(11)C] raclopride BP(ND) in Reproductive-Age Women. Neuropsychopharmacology 37: pp 1422-1432 (2012).
- Rubino, I; Frank, E; Croce Nanni, R; Pozzi, D; Lanza di Scalea, T; Siracusano, A. A comparative study of axis I antecedents before age 18 of unipolar depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Psychopathology 42: pp 325-332 (2009).
- Lanza di Scalea, T; Wisner, K. Pharmacotherapy of Postpartum Depression. Expert Opinion in Pharmacotherapy 10: pp 2593-2607 (2009)
- Lanza di Scalea, T; Wisner, K. Antidepressant medications use during breastfeeding. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology 52: pp 483-497 (2009)
- Lanza di Scalea, T; Hanusa, B; Wisner, K. Sexual dysfunction in postpartum women treated for depression: results from a randomized clinical trial of nortriptyline vs sertraline. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 70: pp 423-428 (2009)
- Bromberger, J; Lanza di Scalea, T. Longitudinal associations between depression and functioning in midlife women. Maturitas 64: pp 145-159 (2009)
Books & Chapters
- Newport DJ, Lanza di Scalea T, Richardson E, Smith T, Scott N, Stowe ZN. Psychopharmacology during pregnancy and lactation. In Schatzberg A, Nemeroff CB, eds. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychopharmacology, 6th Edition. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc
- Myoraku A, Nutkiewicz L, Lanza di Scalea T., Rasgon N, Newport DJ. Depression in Women. In Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D., Alan F. Schatzberg, M.D., Natalie Rasgon, M.D., Ph.D., and Stephen M. Strakowski, M.D. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Mood Disorders, Second Edition. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc
- Zanasi, M; Lanza di Scalea, T; Siracusano, A. Dream between psychology and neurosciences. In Psychotherapy and Neurosciences. Pensiero Scientifico Editore (2006)
- Siracusano, A; Lanza di Scalea, T; Rubino, I. Anxiety. In Enciclopedia Treccani (2006).
Non-Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Monzon, C; Lanza di Scalea, T; Pearlstein, T. Post-partum psychosis: updates and clinical issues. Psychiatry Times. Jan 15, 2014
- Lanza di Scalea, T; Niolu, C; Siracusano, A. Stress psicosociale nel genere femminile: focus sulla transizione menopausale (Psychosocial stress in women: focus on menopausal transition). Noos, Aggiornamenti in Psichiatria (Noos Updates in Psychiatry) pp 77-90 (2010).
Media/Online Material
- Invited interview for the New York Times section ASK WELL. Do Antidepressants Work for Severe PMS? (09/2022). Available at
- Mindfulness for Women in Everyday Life. (11/2018) UT Health Austin Blog. Available at:
Oral Presentations
Scientific Meetings
- Lanza di Scalea T. (2021). Rational decision-making when managing antidepressants during gestation. Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) Annual Conference. (Symposium title: Maternal Mental Health: Issues in Research and Clinical Care. Co-presenters: Newport J., Smith T., de Barbaro K.).
- Lasseter K., Haynes N., Smith T., Lanza di Scalea T., Newport J. (2021). Presenter at Symposium entitled Psychotropic Medications in the Peripartum: an expert panel discussion. Perinatal Mental Health Conference, University of Texas at Austin
- Lanza di Scalea T., Smith T., Spelber D., Chiang K., Collier S., Rosales Elkins B., Almeida J. (2020). Caring for a woman with bipolar disorder in the early postpartum: a collaborative, multi-disciplinary, patient-centered approach. UT Health Austin Clinical Case Conference, University of Texas at Austin.
- Lanza di Scalea T. (2019). Bipolar Disorder during the perinatal period. Integral Care’s Dynamic Development Day (Symposium on maternal mental health care. Co-presenters Smith T., Murthy S.)
- Lanza di Scalea T. (2019). Psychiatric management of Psychosis and Bipolar Disease in Pregnancy and Postpartum. Perinatal Mental Health and Wellness Conference University of Texas at Austin (Symposium title: Management of Psychosis and Bipolar Disease in Pregnancy and Postpartum. Co-presenters: Birt J., Milliorn K.)
- Lanza di Scalea, T; Siracusano, A. (2004) Body dysmorphic disorder and depression. International Conference on Depression and Anxiety, a quartet.
- Lanza di Scalea, T; Parisi, C; Siracusano, A. (2004) The bullying phenomenon in childhood and teenagers. International Conference on “Artificial family: accepting minors in the community”.
Community Speaking Engagement
- Lanza di Scalea T. (2022).Self-Knowledge: Growth Mindset. Undergraduate Fellows Workshop. Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture.
- Lanza di Scalea T. (2021). The Will to Meaning in Difficult Times: The Teaching of Victor Frankl. Undergraduate Fellows Workshop. Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture.
- Lanza di Scalea T. (2019). Self-care in the perinatal period. Presented at Peer Support Group Leaders ongoing educational program. Partners in Parenting. Austin, Texas.
- Lanza di Scalea, T. (2018). Psychotherapy in women’s mental health: nuances. University of Texas OLLI NOVA Seminar, University of Texas at Austin (Women’s Mental Health Symposium. Co-presenters: Lasseter K., Smith T.)
- Lanza di Scalea T., (2018). Postpartum Depression. Community Health Workers Dialogue Meeting. The Center for Transdisciplinary Collaborative Research in Self-Management Science. University of Texas School of Nursing
- Lanza di Scalea, T. (2016). Coping with Cancer. Advanced Cancer Retreat for Patients and their Caregivers. Comprehensive Cancer Center of Rhode Island Hospital. Providence, RI.
- Lanza di Scalea T., (2016). Emotional reasoning and critical thinking. Presentation at The Feminine Genius talk series. Newton Cultural Center, Newton MA
- Lanza di Scalea, T. (2015) Mental and emotional health. Key ingredients to fight cancer and chemo-brain. Avenues of Healing. Comprehensive Cancer Center of Rhode Island Hospital. Providence, RI
- Lanza di Scalea, T. (2015). Human development. Key Facts. Presentation at Formative Workshop Series for Young Women. Bayridge University Residence. Boston, MA